
症例2📗 Case 2

昨日Instagramに投稿しました、症例2の解説例(黒字:前田 赤字:内多先生)です。
Here is an example of the explanation of Case 2 (black letters: Maeda, red letters: Dr. Uchita), which I posted on Instagram yesterday.
The results of the responses on Instagram were.
Cancer: 71%, Inflammation: 29%, no one answered lymphoma.

It is difficult to mention the site of the lesion in this photograph, but it is an area of about 7 mm with a background of atrophic mucosa after Pylori eradication in the greater curvature of the lower gastric body. The lesion appears faded due to the slightly erythematous surrounding area, and has a clear border and irregular shape.

The indigocarmine scatter image shows a pool of indigos consistent with the boundary visible in the white light observation. However, outside of the slightly erythematous region on the outer layer, there is no indigo accumulation that would serve as a boundary.

The boundary is also visible as a brownish area in NBI observation.

NBI併用拡大観察では背景粘膜にLight Blue Crestを認め腸上皮化生粘膜であることが分かります。また、今までに境界として視認できていた軽度陥凹した箇所に一致してDemarcation Lineを認めます。微小血管構築像は不整でありMV:irregular、表面微細構造は視認できずMS:absentと判断しました。癌と診断しますが未分化型癌を示唆する様な無構造領域も認めず分化型腺癌と考えました。

The magnified view with NBI shows a Light Blue Crest on the background mucosa, indicating the presence of intestinal epithelialized mucosa. A demarcation line is also observed in line with a slightly depressed area that was previously visible as a border. The microvascular architecture is irregular and is classified as MV: irregular, while the surface microstructure is not visible and is classified as MS: absent. The diagnosis of carcinoma was considered to be differentiated adenocarcinoma, as there were no unstructured areas suggestive of undifferentiated carcinoma.
In addition, no elevation of the pedicle was observed by white-light observation, and ESD was performed with a diagnosis of M depth.
The pathological result was early gastric cancer (highly differentiated adenocarcinoma: tub1) with a depth of M.

The capillary network is mildly irregular, but the network is densely formed, suggesting a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma composed of small well-differentiated ducts. NBI shows a well-defined border, making the diagnosis of tumor less difficult.


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