当院は、神戸大学国際がん医療センター(ICCRC)の森田先生にお誘い頂き、香川大学さんと3拠点4院でNTT docomoの5G回線と映像伝送ソリューション『LiveU』を用いた遠隔診療のプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。
背景として現在我が国はSociety 5.0時代を迎えており、IoT(Internet of Things)により人とモノが繋がり、人工知能(AI)により少子高齢化や地方過疎化等の課題克服を目指した社会の実現が待たれます。
Our hospital, invited by Dr. Morita of Kobe University International Cancer Center (ICCRC), is working with Kagawa University on a project for remote medical care using NTT docomo's 5G line and "LiveU," a video transmission solution, at four hospitals in three locations.
As a background, Japan is currently entering the Society 5.0 era, where people and things are connected through the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to help overcome issues such as the declining birthrate, aging population, and depopulation in rural areas.
The field of gastrointestinal endoscopy is also making remarkable progress, with the development of various diagnostic and therapeutic technologies and devices, but it is also true that there is a gap in the quality of medical care and physician education available due to the uneven distribution of physicians in different regions.
We hope that the aforementioned efforts will be a step toward overcoming the current situation.